Hopr Token (Mainnet) Subgraph Entities & Sample Queries
Field | Type | Description |
id | Bytes! | Account address |
amount | BigInt! | Current balance of the account in HOPR |
Sample Queries
Below are some sample queries you can use to gather information from the HOPR Token (Mainnet) subgraph.
You can build your own queries using a GraphQL Explorer and enter your endpoint to limit the data to exactly what you need.
Each entity has a plural version and a singular version. When querying for a single record response (e.g. account), you will need to supply the id for the entity. When querying for a list of responses (e.g. accounts), you may add filters using the 'where' clause.
Description: This query returns transactions starting from a specific block number.
accounts(block: { number_gte: 13000000 }) {
Account Balance
Description: This query returns token balance for an account.
accounts(where: { id: "0x0000000000000eb4ec62758aae93400b3e5f7f18" }) {