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Version: v2.1.1

Using Configuration File

This page explains how to set up the configuration file for use for both Docker/Dappnode setups and explains what each variable does.

Set Up Configuration File

To set up your node's configuration file, you can use the example file.

(1) Download the example file here:

(2) If you are using Docker, edit the main variables as you would on a normal installation:

Note: If you intend to create a new node make sure to use a new Database password, if there is already an existing identity file in your default DB location.

  • Database Password: The varibale is password, found under Identity.
  • API Token: The variable is auth, found under API. It is recommended to add a token, e.g. auth: !Token YOUR_SECURITY_TOKEN rather than using None.
  • Safe Address: The variable is safe_address, found under safe_module.
  • Module Address The variable is module_address, found under safe_module.
  • Public IP Address: The variable is address, found under host.

If you are using Dappnode, you do not need to edit the main variables.

(3) Then feel free to edit as many of the customizable variabless as you would like. You can see a list of each variable its description/usage here.

(4) Save the completed configuration file. Where you save it will depend on whether you are using Dappnode or Docker.

  • Dappnode users can save the file anywhere they will be able to access it later as they will upload the file during the installation process. If you are adding the configuration file to your node after installation, follow the instructions here.
  • Docker users should save the file within the database directory they will be using for their node. This is commonly set to .hoprd-db-dufour.

(5) Rename the saved file. Sometimes the filename changes on download.

  • For Dappnode: the file name should strictly be hoprd.cfg.yaml
  • For Docker: You can choose your own filename, but you will need to ensure this exact file name is used within the configuration file path provided when you run your Docker command.



The main node's identity, defining it's on-chain and off-chain keys.

Note: Make sure to choose the correct identity file name.

For Dappnode users the filename should strictly be .hopr-identity

For Docker users the identity file should match the name of the existing file under identity /app/hoprd-db/.hopr-id-dufour if you are using an existing node. Otherwise you can use a different filename.

file: /app/hoprd-db/.hopr-id-dufour
password: 'change_me'
private_key: ''
  • file: Path to the identity file, a new one is created if none exists at the path location.
  • password: The password to access the identity file.
  • private_key: A private key can be provided which the node uses instead of an identity file. Providing this will override the identity file.


The configuration of the REST API.

enable: true
auth: !Token YOUR_SECURITY_TOKEN # Change to your own token
address: !IPv4
port: 3001
  • enable: Indicates whether the REST API should be enabled. Possible values: true or false.
  • auth: What kind of authentication the REST API should use. Possible values: None or !Token <some token> which will enforce bearer token authentication.
  • host: Defines the local interface host where the API should listen.
  • address: The address of the local interface to listen on.
  • port: The REST API TCP lsiten port


Configuration of the HOPR protocol.


Specifies host to listen on for the HOPR P2P protocol.

address: !IPv4 # Add your publc IP address here
port: 9091
  • address: Specifies the external IP address of the local interface that is connected to the internet. This address will be announced on-chain.
  • port: The listen TCP port.


Specifies details for the database used by the HOPR node. These variables should not be changes from the default original variables otherwise it may causee problems for your node.

  • For Docker users: data: /app/hoprd-db
  • For Dappnode users: data: /app/hoprd-db/db
data: /app/hoprd-db # /app for Dappnode
initialize: true
force_initialize: false
  • data: The path to the directory with the database.
  • initialize: If set, database will be created (if it does not exist). Otherwise, if false is given and database is not present, the node will fail to start.
  • force_initialize: If set, will overwrite and re-initialize any existing database in the given directory.

Safe Module

Configuration of node's Safe.

safe_transaction_service_provider: https:://
safe_address: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
module_address: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
  • safe_transaction_service_provider: The node's safe transaction provider, such as
  • safe_address: Node's safe address, this must be provided by the user.
  • module_address: Node's safe module address, this must be provided by the user.


Configuration of HOPR channel strategies.

Note: HOPR is counted with 18 decimals. So make sure to add 18 zeroes per integer value for all of the variables below. E.g. 1 HOPR Token would be written as 1000000000000000000 HOPR.

on_fail_continue: true
allow_recursive: false
- !Promiscuous
max_channels: 10
network_quality_threshold: 0.5
new_channel_stake: "1000000 HOPR"
minimum_node_balance: "10000000 HOPR"
min_network_size_samples: 20
enforce_max_channels: true
minimum_peer_version: ">=2.0.7"

- !AutoFunding
funding_amount: "10000000000000000000 HOPR"
min_stake_threshold: "1000000000000000000 HOPR"

- !Aggregating
aggregation_threshold: 100
unrealized_balance_ratio: 0.9
aggregation_timeout: 60
aggregate_on_channel_close: true

- !AutoRedeeming
redeem_only_aggregated: true
on_close_redeem_single_tickets_value_min: "2000000000000000000 HOPR"

- !Passive

- !ClosureFinalizer
max_closure_overdue: 3600
  • on_fail_continue: Will not continue executing the next strategy in the chain if one of them fails.

  • allow_recursive: Allows nesting strategy chains via !MultiStrategy.

  • strategies: Contains chain of strategies to execute in a given order. If left empty, the node will behave as if only the !Passive strategy was given.

    • - !Promiscuous Defines a promiscuous strategy that automatically manages HOPR channels based on certain measured qualities of other HOPR nodes in the network.

      • max_channels: The maximum number of opened channels the strategy should maintain.
      • network_quality_threshold: A quality threshold between 0 and 1 used to determine whether the strategy should open channel with the peer. Only node's above this threshold will be chosen for channels.
      • new_channel_stake: The stake of tokens that should be allocated to a channel opened by the strategy.
      • minimum_node_balance: The minimum token balance of the node. When reached, the strategy will not open any new channels.
      • min_network_size_samples: The minimum number of network quality samples before the strategy can start making decisions.
      • enforce_max_channels: If set, the strategy will aggressively close channels (even with peers above the network_quality_threshold) if the number of opened outgoing channels (regardless if opened by the strategy or manually) exceeds the max.
      • minimum_peer_version: Specifies minimum node version of the peer the strategy should open a channel to. Accepts semver syntax.
    • - !AutoFunding Channel auto-funding strategy. Automatically funds channels with the given funding amount if the stake on any channel drops below the given threshold.

      • funding_amount: Amount to automatically fund a channel that dropped below the threshold.
      • min_stake_threshold: The auto funding threshold.
    • - !Aggregating Strategy performing automatic ticket aggregation once the amount of unredeemed tickets in a channel goes over the given threshold.

      • aggregation_threshold: Number of acknowledged winning tickets in a channel that triggers the ticket aggregation in that channel when exceeded.
      • unrealized_balance_ratio: Percentage of unrealized balance in unaggregated tickets in a channel that triggers the ticket aggregation when exceeded.
      • aggregation_timeout: Maximum time to wait for the ticket aggregation to complete.
      • aggregate_on_channel_close: If set, the strategy will automatically aggregate tickets in channels that have transitioned to the PendingToClose state.
    • - !AutoRedeeming

      • redeem_only_aggregated: If set, the strategy will redeem only aggregated tickets.
      • on_close_redeem_single_tickets_value_min: The strategy will automatically redeem if there's a single ticket left when a channel transitions to PendingToClose and it has at least this value of HOPR.
    • - !Passive A strategy that does nothing. This is equivalent to leaving the strategies array empty.

    • - !ClosureFinalizer: A strategy that monitors channels in the PendingToClose state whose channel closure grace period has elapsed, and issues a channel close transaction on these channels to finalize the closure.

      • max_closure_overdue: Do not attempt to finalize the closure of channels that have been overdue for more than this amount of seconds (3600 seconds).


Configuration of the heartbeat mechanism for probing other nodes in the HOPR network.

interval: 60
threshold: 60
variance: 2
  • interval: Interval in which the heartbeat is triggered in seconds.
  • threshold: The time interval for which to consider peer heartbeat renewal in seconds.
  • variance: Round-to-round variance to complicate network sync in seconds.

Network Options

Defines how the quality of nodes in the HOPR network is evaluated.

min_delay: 1
max_delay: 300
quality_bad_threshold: 0.2
quality_offline_threshold: 0.5
quality_step: 0.1
quality_avg_window_size: 25
ignore_timeframe: 600
backoff_exponent: 1.5
backoff_min: 2.0
backoff_max: 300.0
  • min_delay: Minimum delay (seconds) will be multiplied by backoff, it will be half the actual minimum value.
  • max_delay: Maximum delay in seconds.
  • quality_bad_threshold: Quality threshold since a node is considered having "bad" connectivity.
  • quality_offline_threshold: Quality threshold from which a node is considered available enough to be used.
  • quality_step: Quality step on failed/successful ping probe.
  • quality_avg_window_size: Size of the quality moving average window.
  • ignore_timeframe: Indicates how long (in seconds) a node is considered "ignored".
  • backoff_exponent: Backoff exponent when probing nodes.
  • backoff_min: Minimum backoff (in seconds) when probing nodes.
  • backoff_max: Maximum backoff (in seconds) when probing nodes.


Transport related configuration.

announce_local_addresses: false
prefer_local_addresses: false
  • announce_local_addresses: Should local addresses be announced on-chain? Set to true for testing only.
  • prefer_local_addresses: Should local addresses be preferred when dialing a peer? Set to true for testing only.


Configuration of various HOPR sub-protocols.

timeout: 15
timeout: 15
timeout: 15
timeout: 15
  • ack: Message acknowledgement sub-protocol configuration.
  • timeout: Timeout in seconds.
  • heartbeat: Heartbeat sub-protocol configuration.
  • msg: Message sub-protocol configuration.
  • ticket_aggregation: Ticket aggregation sub-protocol configuration.


Blockchain specific configuration.

Default Settings: If you want to use the default chain, there is no need to edit most of these variables. You can just adjust the additional settings as below.

announce: true
network: dufour
check_unrealized_balance: true
  • Note: You should add your own RPC provider for better performance. Additional information can be found here.

  • announce: Indicates whether the node should announce itself on-chain.

  • network: Which blockchain network should be used by the node.

  • provider: RPC provider URL to use. You should add your own provider for better performance. Additional information can be found here.

  • check_unrealized_balance: Indicates whether the node should check channel unrealized balance when validating acknowledged tickets. Strongly recommended to leave this enabled.

Alternative Chain Settings: If you want to use a seperate chain, for example anvil-localhost for testing, you can add all the specific chain information for your node to use as below.

announce: true
network: anvil-localhost
provider: null
chain: anvil
environment_type: local
version_range: '*'
indexer_start_block_number: 5
tags: []
network_registry: 0x3aa5ebb10dc797cac828524e59a333d0a371443c
network_registry_proxy: 0x68b1d87f95878fe05b998f19b66f4baba5de1aed
channels: 0x9a9f2ccfde556a7e9ff0848998aa4a0cfd8863ae
token: 0x9a676e781a523b5d0c0e43731313a708cb607508
module_implementation: 0xa51c1fc2f0d1a1b8494ed1fe312d7c3a78ed91c0
node_safe_registry: 0x0dcd1bf9a1b36ce34237eeafef220932846bcd82
ticket_price_oracle: 0x7a2088a1bfc9d81c55368ae168c2c02570cb814f
announcements: 0x09635f643e140090a9a8dcd712ed6285858cebef
node_stake_v2_factory: 0xb7f8bc63bbcad18155201308c8f3540b07f84f5e
confirmations: 2
tx_polling_interval: 1000
max_block_range: 200

description: Local Ethereum node, akin to Ganache, Hardhat chain
chain_id: 31337
live: false
etherscan_api_url: null
max_fee_per_gas: 1 gwei
max_priority_fee_per_gas: 0.2 gwei
native_token_name: ETH
hopr_token_name: wxHOPR
block_time: 5000
tags: []

check_unrealized_balance: true


HOPRd Message Inbox configuration

capacity: 512
max_age: 900
excluded_tags: [ 0 ]
  • capacity: Capacity of messages in the Inbox, per message tag.
  • max_age: The maximumm age of a message in the inbox in seconds.
  • excluded_tags: Tags which are not allowed into the inbox.