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Version: v2.1.3

How to Unstake HOPR SS08

Staking Season 8 has ended, and it was the last of the staking seasons. HOPR can now only be staked in association with a running HOPR node through HOPR SafeStaking. Please unstake and claim all of your rewards, NFTs and tokens from the Staking Season 8 smart contract, and if you would like, you can restake them within a HOPR Safe and run a HOPR node.

Unstaking HOPR Tokens & Claiming Rewards

To unstake your tokens and claim your rewards:

(1) Press the button labelled Claim All Rewards & NFTs under your Staked xHOPR display.

(2) The tokens will have arrived in your wallet as wxHOPR. Use our wrapper to convert them to your preferred tokens.

(Optional) Follow the instructions here to restake your tokens in a HOPR Safe and run a node.